THC girls + a few new faces at the first Emory x THC collaborative monthly series!
This fall we’ve had more success creating partnerships with community members and organizations to help provide much-needed wrap-around services to the girls once they’re in housing. In September we formed a partnership with Emory University’s Hope Emory clinic to launch a series of workshops and seminars for trans women. The first event was a success! The event included a professional makeup tutorials from Ms. Tiffany Star, as well as a resume building workshops and headshots, all supported by Emory. In October we held a HalloKween mask-making party and a discussion surrounding grief and loss.
While these are events for and by THC members, we welcome trans people from the wider community! We are also still looking for facilitators to lead future workshops. Please email us if you are interested! Stay tuned for more updates on what THC has been up to in the coming days, and as always, all this couldn't be possible without YOUR support!